Art Gallery

Below is some of my artwork with sharpie, face paint, and acrylic paint and some with face painting fun with my own kids and a few others from an event i did in 2019...

Sharpie Art & Drawings

Above ^ ^ ^

This was a friend who wanted this as a tattoo and she loved it so much she went that day and got it as a tattoo


Some shapie art practice on my boyfriend

^ ^ ^ ^ 

He is an aspiring police officer so after he finishes the academy and graduates he wants this as a tattoo

Breaking Benjamin fans! ^ ^

Sasuke Uchiha's curse mark (Naruto) ^ ^


Assassin's Creed inspired ^ ^

Above ^ ^

Punisher & Deathstoke inspired 


Sharpie art on my own leg


This was sharpie art tattoo for my friend Sam he wanted to combine three ribons for him, his brother, and his mom... he comissioned the art from me...


Above ^ ^

My pheonix... the inspiration for my logo and business name i drew this when i felt my life had hit rock bottom but this drawing alone gave me strength to keep going and rise up.



Acrylic paint face & body art... from an event i did in 2019

The little girl that got this owl had just turned 2 and oh my goodness she sat completely still and watched every move i made... she was so cute 


Face painting fun with my three toddlers Gage & Lily(they were 4 years old at the time), and Emma (was 2 years old)

Gage is my kid who can never stop fidgeting and couldnt decide between spiderman or hulk so we did both

Lily is my kiddo with sensory issues but she loves purple and kittys so she wanted to be a purple kitty

Emma is my sunshine girl and she wanted to be a pink butterfly granted at 2 years old she cant sit still for long so we stuck with a partial face paint...


These two had facepaint and I absolutely loved doing thier adorable little faces they were so patient and fun cousins and my policy is Glitter is always free! I also gave thier parents instructions of how to wash everything off later on...